Concept Care

Before Your NDIS Planning Meeting

Before Your NDIS Planning Meeting

To maximise your NDIS Funding, you may want to connect with a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to build your NDIS Support Plan that can help you achieve your or your loved one’s goals. This NDIS Planning Meeting is an extremely important part of your NDIS journey, so it is essential for you to understand how you can best prepare for this.

Am I eligible for the NDIS?

It is important for you to first find out if you are eligible to access the NDIS. The below checklist will help you understand if you fit the criteria for NDIS Funding.

What is the NDIS planning meeting for?

The NDIS Planning Meeting (1-2 hours long) is a chance for you to communicate your requirements, goals and needs to your Local Area Coordinator (LAC). These requirements will be included in your plan. Be prepared to answer questions regarding:

  • Your short-term and long-term support goals
  • Your current informal and formal supports:
    • Informal Supports are from your family, friends and individuals within your social network
    • Formal Supports are services provided by professionals such as doctors, physiotherapists etc.
  • The additional supports and services you will require to help achieve your goals
  • How you want your NDIS Funds to be managed.

Concept Care can help you understand your entitlements, plan out exactly what you need and help you clearly define your goals. Call 1800-Concept for a free consultation.

Who is the Local Area Coordinator (LAC)?

The LAC is your connection to the NDIS and will provide you with information and support within your local community. They will assist you in developing your NDIS Plan, review your plan and make any necessary changes. They work to ensure you have suitable access for your needs and inclusion services within your community.

What sort of goals can I have?

Regarding your goals and needs you should communicate clearly to your LAC so that they can add this to your plan. Some goals may include:

  • Achieve independence in daily living
  • Develop better social skills
  • Participate in your community
  • Improve your health and wellbeing
  • Learn a new skill
  • Build your confidence in doing social/recreational activities
What should I bring to my NDIS planning meeting?

You should bring the following items to your NDIS planning meeting to make sure you are ready to cover all your bases:

  • Take a trusted individual with you for support during the meeting
  • Bring any supporting documentation for reference. Examples include:
    • Assessment Letters from your GP or any other allied health professionals
    • Hard copy evidence of your current formal and informal supports
  • Submit any quotes for services and supports you require from services providers that you prefer for budgeting purposes
    • For example: I would require a support worker to help me access the community three times a week for two hours. I have a quote from Concept Care for those services.

Concept Care can help you organise the relevant documentation and develop a plan request to take with you to your NDIS Planning Meeting.

Get in touch with one of our Consultants for further information at 1800-CONCEPT.

Your NDIS plan is equally important as the services you choose. As a registered NDIS service provider, Concept Care offers culturally sensitive and people-centric support that can work with your NDIS plan, whether it is self-managed, plan-managed or NDIA-managed. Learn how to begin using Concept Care.

Recommended to Read Navigating NDIS Disability Community Services in Sydney

Am I eligible for the NDIS? - Concept Care