Concept Care
Call us today on 1800 266 237 to discuss your care needs
Concept Care is a registered NDIS provider that provides support services to Australians with permanent and significant disabilities.
Concept Care can help make holiday dreams come true. Our NDIS-tailored plans are designed to provide a carefree and enjoyable break, allowing participants the freedom they deserve.
Concept Care takes a person-centered, holistic, and neuro-science-informed approach to supporting our clients.
Concept Care's respite services include in-home and short-term accommodation, which provides participants with an opportunity to build independent living skills.
At Concept Care we are passionate about connecting participants with the best available support in their community.
At Concept Care, we support people who have significant disabilities and receive funding from the NDIS for mental health services.
Out of Hospital Care is a service that provides patients with the necessary medical care without having to be admitted to a hospital.
Concept Care offers Day Programs and Recreational workshops for people of all ages and abilities with activities in art, games, food preparation, drama and fitness.
Private in-home care is a service for those who are ineligible for government subsidies.
Concept Care is a fast-growing NDIS Registered Provider that provides high-quality care support services.
Keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments in our industry! We'll give you all the insight on exciting events, new initiatives, and happenings here at Concept Care.
Get in touch with Concept Care today via email, direct call or simple form filling - we look forward to hearing from you!
Concept Care's mission is to provide unmatched support to people with disability and elderly, based on values of responsibility, accountability, person-centred care, and compassion.
Our services include personal care, home maintenance, holistic therapies, and companionship.
We strongly value the protection of your personal information and strive to keep it safe.
If you know someone with disability who would benefit from assistance, someone over 65 who would benefit from assistance at home, or other services or would like to refer yourself, please complete this referral form.
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First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
My Relationship with the person needing disability support*
Organisation Name
I have consent from the client to make this referral YN
If consent is not by client, consent is provided by
Date of birth*
Gender* MaleFemaleNon Specific
NDIS Number
Can the client be contacted directly?* YesNo
Interpreter Required?* YesNo
Preferred Language
Does the client identify as Aboriginal or Torres-Strait Islander or both?* YesNo
Primary Disability
Diagnosis & Living Arrangements (Group home, support accommodation, independent, family)*
High Risk Support?* YesNo
If there is risk, please provide details here
Plan start date
Plan end date
How is plan managed? NDIA managedSelf managedPlan managedOther
Plan managers details
Support Required*
Accommodation Services (Respite, STA, SIL, SDA, MTA)Assistance with Daily Living ActivitiesComplex Bowel CareComplex Care SupportCommunity Access/TransportDomestic AssistanceDay ProgramMeal PreparationMedication ManagementMobility and Transfer SupportNursing ServicesPersonal CarePrivate In-Home Care for non-NDIS clientsPhysiotherapyShopping AssistanceSkin Integrity ManagementSocial Support/CompanionshipSupport CoordinationSupport for Independence and Skill Building24/7 Care Support
Additional information (ie. days & hours per week required, urgency, special requirements, etc.)
Attach a document here
CARER/ SUPPORT/ GUARDIAN INFORMATION Does the client have a care/ support person?* NoYes, The ReferrerYes, Specify below
COMMUNICATION CONTACT INFORMATION Who is the best communication contact?* The ReferrerThe ClientThe Carer, specified aboveNone, specify another person below
I have read the privacy collection notice and consent to contacting me regarding the information in this referral* YesNo
Contact Number
Relationship to client
Aged Care Number
Aboriginal or Torres-Strait Islander?* YesNo
Is a Home Care Package assigned?* YesNo
If yes to previous, what level Home Care Package is assigned? Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Does the client have a current Service Provider for their Home Care Package* YesNo
If so, please provide the name of the organisation
SUMMARY OF MEDICAL HISTORY Please describe any necessary details for the referral here
Support Required* Domestic AssistanceTransportPersonal CareShoppingSocial Support IndividualSocial Support GroupPhysiotherapyOccupational TherapyRespiteMeal Preparation
Additional information
My Relationship with the person needing support*
High Risk?* YesNo
Please share any extra information (ie. individual circumstances, urgency, etc)
Option in drop down to choose: FeedbackComplaint
Your Feedback / Complaint will be treated with utmost confidentiality and fully investigated.
Alternatively, a complaint can be made to the NDIS Commission by:
Phoning 1800 035 544 or Completing a complaint contact form