Concept Care

Optimising Disability Service With Incredible Outcomes

Optimising Disability Service With Incredible Outcomes

“A mother, A SOLIDER and diva”

Those are the words Jade uses to describe the woman she is today. These positive, descriptive words are a true testament to the outcomes. Made possible with the disability service and care provided to Jade.

Jade Life Story:

Jade was 26 when she fell pregnant. At which time she was diagnosed with antenatal cardiomyopathy – a rare form of heart enlargement disease. Four months after giving birth to her gorgeous daughter Lilly, Jade suffered a sudden catastrophic stroke which left her in a coma for two weeks. When she woke from her coma, Jade was completely paralyzed on the left side of her body.

When Jade returned home, the life she once knew was a thing of the past. She had to relearn simple motor skills like brushing, how to move her body, how to be a mum to her infant daughter and much more than you and I can imagine.

As time went on, Jade struggled to see hope and fell into a deep depression. She spent the next six years of her life completely bed bound and had little faith that her situation would improve. During those years, Jade never left her room, she could not take her daughter outside, nor could she enjoy the luxury of sunshine on her face.

How Concept Care Helped?

When Concept Care was contacted about Jade’s situation, we were deeply moved and immediately wanted to create a positive influence in her life. We liaised with the NDIS (National Disability Incentive Scheme) and organised an unscheduled plan review. We coordinated with our network partner PhysioINC. And arranged for an Occupational Therapist and physiotherapist to get Jade a wheelchair, a hoist and additional equipment she needed to get out of bed.

We continued working with other allied health providers. Ensured Jade’s NDIS funding was adequate to provide for all her support needs. It was a long and arduous journey. Many providers had declined to work with Jade because they felt her situation was “too difficult”. We continued to work with Jade through all road blocks. We began to see positive outcomes as Jade found her confidence and self-belief.

Through perseverance and teamwork, Jade built the will to get out of bed. Jade now has a wheelchair, hoist, and the equipment she needs to freely move around. She also has a team of experienced care workers who assist her with personal care, domestic assistance, and community access.

Jade is now more optimistic about her future and is well on track to achieving her goals. With her renewed positive outlook on life, Jade proudly professes she is ‘disabled with a bucket list’ and has now made it. Her mission to encourage others like her to ‘never give up.’

Read Tony’s Story

Check out our blog post about the Sensory Projector System.