Concept Care

Understanding the Scope: What Does NDIS Funding Cover?

Understanding the Scope: What Does NDIS Funding Cover?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been a transformative initiative in Australia, providing vital support and services to individuals with disabilities. One of the crucial aspects of the NDIS is understanding what funding covers and how it can make a significant impact on the lives of participants. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the intricacies of NDIS funding coverage, exploring the diverse range of supports and services it encompasses.

1. Core Supports:

NDIS funding is divided into three primary support categories, with Core Supports being the first. This covers essential daily activities and assistance required for individuals to participate in their community. Services like personal care, access to the community, and consumables fall under this category, ensuring participants receive support tailored to their specific needs.

2. Capacity Building Supports:

The second category, Capacity Building Supports, focuses on developing participants’ independence and skills. Funding in this area covers a wide array of services such as improved daily living, increased social and community participation, and the enhancement of health and well-being. This aims to empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives and achieve their long-term goals.

3. Capital Supports:

The third category, Capital Supports, involves funding for larger, more significant investments such as assistive technology, home modifications, and specialized equipment. This ensures that participants have access to the necessary tools and resources to maximize their independence and improve their quality of life.

4. Reasonable and Necessary:

NDIS funding is allocated based on the principle of being ‘reasonable and necessary.’ This means that the supports and services covered must be directly related to the individual’s disability and represent value for money. Understanding this principle is crucial for participants to navigate the NDIS system effectively.

5. Assistive Technology:

NDIS funding plays a pivotal role in providing access to assistive technology, ranging from communication devices to mobility aids. This ensures that individuals with disabilities can leverage technological advancements to enhance their daily lives and participation in the community.

6. Therapeutic Supports:

Therapeutic Supports form an integral part of NDIS funding, encompassing services such as counseling, behavior support, and speech therapy. This addresses the unique needs of participants, promoting their mental and emotional well-being alongside physical health.

7. Transportation:

NDIS funding also covers transportation assistance, recognizing the importance of mobility for individuals with disabilities. This includes funding for specialized transport services or modifications to existing vehicles to accommodate specific needs.

8. Training and Education:

The Capacity Building Supports extend to training and education, enabling participants to acquire new skills and knowledge. This can include support for vocational training, education courses, and skill development programs tailored to individual goals.


In conclusion, NDIS funding is a lifeline for individuals with disabilities, offering a comprehensive range of supports and services across various categories. From daily living assistance to significant investments like home modifications, the NDIS is designed to empower participants and enhance their overall well-being. Understanding the scope of NDIS funding is vital for participants and their families to make informed decisions and maximize the benefits available to them. Concept Care is committed to helping clients navigate and fully utilize NDIS funding to improve their quality of life.

Read our blog 8 Tips for Choosing an NDIS Provider in Sydney: Spotlight on Concept Care